Call for Papers for Recherches en Communication journal, issue coordinated by Andrea Catellani and Axel Gryspeerdt (Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium).

The aim of the issue is to examine the relationship between collections owned by businesses and organizations in the broad sense (excluding organizations specifically dedicated to museum activity), on the one hand, and internal and external communication of these same organizations, on the other.

Many companies and organizations have taken the initiative to create heritage collections of art and frequently contemporary art, or to set up collections that evoke the history of their activities by putting them in a wider industrial or technological context. In addition to these initiatives, there is also the invitation of artists in residence who get in touch with the staff of companies and organizations, most of the time with a goal of mutual valorization. The objective is, each time, to identify models of visibility and staging of a heritage, but also of an organization. Case studies are therefore possible, but also comparative analyzes and attempts to generalize and identify more global trends.

Please send your proposals to by March 31, 2017. More info