I AM a partner
I WANT TO BE a partner or sponsor
Your institution, either a company, a PR agency, a foundation or university, may have the opportunity to be named in our activities, gaining visibility and reputation throughout Europe and strengthening its employer branding strategy.
Personalized levels of co-branding for one or more activities, for one or more editions, can be agreed. And the sponsor may get 1 free registration at our annual congress.
There are two main ways to cooperate with EUPRERA:
- Establishing a bilateral relationship, aimed to develop together the body of knowledge. This is done sharing all those activities that are of interest to each other’s members. Check out who chosed to cooperate with us.
- Supporting concretely one of our activities, such as the students awards. Sponsorship can make all the difference in the success of a project. It needs not only be about money. It can be in kind, through the loan of equipment, space or personnel.