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Join EUPRERA and be a part of a vibrant European research community on public relations and strategic communication! Through EUPRERA you get a chance to network with European colleagues, join projects, publish and present your research. Help us make the European research community stronger!
You can have a look at our activities and benefits for members, but the best way to encourage you to enter our association is to ask to our current members! Have a look:
What our members say
Anne-Marie Cotton
Senior Lecturer, Arteveldehogeschool University College, Ghent, Belgium
I have a long relationship with EUPRERA’s members: it all started in 1999 when CERP Education & Research became Euprera and I had the privilege to be elected as president. Sharing values on public relations’ education and research, debating on new developments, exchanging perspectives, introducing new fields, initiating challenging projects, cross-boarding and cross-fertilising in a multi-cultural setting with peers from all over Europe: this is what EUPRERA is all about.
Wim Elving
Professor, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen, the Netherlands
I have been visiting several EUPRERA conferences and have been reviewer for conferences for more than 5 years. I like the professionalization of EUPRERA and it gives me the opportunity to meet my colleagues at conferences. EUPRERA endorses critical discussions and interaction during conferences. EUPRERA really helps the PR community in Europe forward. EUPRERA stimulates rigorous and robust research into PR phenomena and the standards at the conferences are real high. EUPRERA’s conferences are perfect for meeting colleagues, but also create opportunities for meeting PR professionals, which is a huge advantage in thinking about and executing relevant research.
Emanuele Invernizzi
Professor, IULM University, Italy
I met EUPRERA quite late in my professional life but I immediately realized how important is as a social and professional opportunity to meet colleagues and to share experiences and knowledge. I became an enthusiastic partner and in 2008 I had the opportunity to organize in Milano the annual Congress on the very interesting topic of Institutionalization of PR and Corporate Communication. It was an amazing experience as most of the EUPRERA Annual Congresses are. I’m very grateful to EUPRERA. I’ve been honored twice by EUPRERA members, a first time being elected President in 2010-11 and a second time being awarded as Distinguished Scholar in 2014. I suggest young scholars, as well as senior scholars and practitioners, to participate to EUPRERA congresses, to share research activities and to enjoy all the opportunities offered by EUPRERA.
Marita Vos
Professor, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Our team at the University of Jyväskylä Finland has long been a member of EUPRERA. It is a great group of people, motivated to exchange knowledge and develop the field. In 2010 we hosted the EUPRERA congress in Finland. Our researchers like to present papers and get feedback in this professional community. Naturally, we also contribute to reviewing. An international association can only flourish if we contribute and enjoy the interaction. I recommend EUPRERA to everyone in our field.
Alexandra Crăciun
Associate Professor, University of Bucharest, Romania
I think that the DNA of EUPRERA – one of the most active associations in the field of strategic communication and PR in Europe – is “sharing”: expressing in a best way the old Latin meaning of the verb “comunicare”. “Sharing” knowledge, “putting in common” ideas and thoughts, “joining” efforts and enthusiasm for generating new research and new practices, “uniting” cross-cultural teams of outstanding professors and practitioners in planning new trends in our profession – this is the experience that turns every EUPRERA member into a team player, but also adds new landmarks for a 3.0 “etymology” of strategic communication. I am really happy to be part of this team.
Kaja Tampere
Professor, Tallinn University, Estonia
EUPRERA was as a window to me, window to western world, as I’m coming from previous Soviet Union. First time I experienced EUPRERA in Bled 2000. My integration to EUPRERA went through amazing people I met. EUPRERA – it is a collection of MY PEOPLE, collection of best colleagues and friends 🙂 First – Dejan Vercic, who fully supported my participation and integration via different opportunities in Bled. Second – amazing, lovely, the best Betteke Van Ruler, later the reviewer of my doctoral theses, a colleague with supportive smile and care. Third – Anne Marie Cotton, who really made me international because of possibility to teach classes in Belgium, since then already 15 years. Plus the real situation that I know most of colleagues in academic PR network in Europe, but also in USA and in Asia. I got a chance to meet Jim and Larissa Grunig, I got a possibility to participate in the publication projects. I got a possibility to enjoy all those wonderful events – congresses, symposia, seminars. I got a possibility to promote my master students (some awards also are in our pocket), I got an amazing opportunity to organise EUPRERA’s annual congress, I got a possibility to be a reviewer of presentation papers, to do a doctoral seminar with amazing prof Inger Jensen. Lot of personal academic benefits, what are needed for my academic CV, but also lot of friends, and the feeling that I’m one of the appreciated team members in the European PR community.
Enric Ordeix
Blanquerna, University Ramon Llull,
As a EUPRERA Conference Chair 2013 I realized how big is our organization in terms of influence. Our conference in Barcelona had a huge number of overseas participants which tells you that the scope of EUPRERA is much bigger than the borders of Europe. The high level of topics discussed due to the high professionals/scholars we met made me believe that this is the organization to be. Such a privilege to count on, dear colleagues!
Iekje Smit
Chair of the Geert Hofstede Consortium and Programme Director,
previously Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen, The Netherlands
EUPRERA is our international home base. The organization fits as a glove for our consortium because of its combination of research, practice and education. And certainly because of its European and international projects. My own personal favorite is the European Communication Monitor in partnership with the EACD (European Association of Communication Directors) which identifies current challenges and future trends in strategic communication throughout Europe. Our Master of International Communication looks to this research for essential insights into the professional field and as a touchstone for the development of the programme. We are proud to be the organizers of the 2016 EUPRERA Annual Congress.