Archive of past events
EUPRERA Annual Congress
The EUPRERA congress took place the first time in 1999 in Berlin, Germany. Since then, the congress has become an yearly appointment for academics and practitioners from Europe and gradually from all over the world. Here the cities we visited and the themes we investigated.
EUPRERA Spring Symposium
For a few years EUPRERA organized an annual Spring Symposium, which served as occasional platform to foster the EUPRERA innovation cycle by hosting meetings of project groups and presenting new ideas. The first four symposia’s theme was provided by the EuroBlog, an empirical research project run from 2005 to 2011 to investigate the impact of social media on PR practice.
The EUPRERA spring symposia took place from 2008 to 2012:
- 2012, Berlin, Germany, “Web 2.0 in Governmental and NGO Communication in Europe”
- 2011, Lisbon, Portugal, “Beyond Online: Is Public Relations adapting, evolving … or failing?”
- 2010, Ghent, Belgium, “Social Media Goes Mainstream: New challenges for internal communication, reputation, education and the public sector”
- 2009, Berlin, Germany, “Collecting and Profiling Public Relations Bachelor and Master programmes in Europe and beyond its boundaries”
- 2008, Brussels, Belgium, “Social Media and the Future of PR: New Ideas, New Research, New Business”