The International Encyclopedia of Strategic Communication
The International Encyclopedia of Strategic Communication, 3 Volume Set, published by Wiley-Blackwell. Editors in chief: Robert L. Heath, Winni Johansen. Associate editors: Jesper Falkheimer, Kirk Hallahan, Juliana Raupp, Benita Stein. Written with the support and editorial assistance of ICA (International Communication Association).
In recent years the field of strategic communication has evolved to be more holistic in its approach and its role within sociocultural contexts. Articles, textbooks, and handbooks have attempted to define the scope, purpose, and nature of the concept, but as the first major comprehensive work of its kind, this encyclopedia captures the full scope of contemporary theory and practice in strategic communication. A multidisciplinary team of authors share their insights and expertise within the four major areas of strategy, organization, management, and sociocultural impact. More info