From the Institute for PR: Mark Weiner about Big Data revolution; Bridge Conference early registration; research reports
In a Car with IPR
The Institute for PR has released the 7th episode of the series In a Car with IPR with Mark Weiner talking about the Big Data revolution, the IPR Measurement Commission, and more. Mark Weiner is Chief Insights Officer of Cision, CEO of PRIME Research, Director of the IPR Measurement Commission.
IPR Bridge conference
Get ready also for the IPR Bridge Conference 2020, to be held in Washington DC at Georgetown University on March 26-27: the early bird registration is possible until January 31st only.
IPR Bridge—Public Relations and Communication Conference is the first two-day conference geared toward both public relations and corporate communications practitioners and academics. IPR Bridge allows academics to learn from senior-level executives, while having an opportunity to present their research at a peer-reviewed conference, and allows mid-to-senior-level executives to learn about the latest in public relations and communications research. A key feature of the conference is the opportunity to network and interact with top leaders in both the practice and the academy in a small setting (max of 125 attendees).
Go to Bridge conference website
Research reports
Last but not least, we’re happy to remind you of three recent reports from the Institute for PR: