Strategic topic management in agile organizations: new study available
It’s all about content
The new study by the Academic Society for Management and Communication examines concepts and success factors for successful topic management
More and more businesses are reorganizing their communication processes and restructuring their teams in order to put more emphasis on topics. As they vie for attention, organizations must respond to changes in both the media landscape and the media usage of their stakeholders. This poses a severe challenge for the traditional structure of communication departments divided into internal, external, and online communication. Seeking a solution, several corporations are setting up newsrooms where communication colleagues work closely together to select and communicate themes. Said Dr. Sabine Einwiller, Professor of Public Relations Research at the University of Vienna: “Although it doesn’t always have to be a physical newsroom, it’s clear that cross-topic and cross-channel collaboration in newsroom-like structures helps companies to work more agilely and to communicate in a faster, more integrated manner.”
To better understand the strategies and success factors of topic management (be it with or without a physical newsroom), two years ago the Academic Society instigated the research project Topic Management in Agile Organizations. “We want to show communicators different approaches and best practices in the strategic management of topics today. Not much is to be found in the research literature, so we set out to analyze 14 companies over the last few months concerning how they plan and communicate topics,” explained Dr. Jens Seiffert-Brockmann, who conducted the study at the University of Vienna with his team.
The main findings of the study are summarized in the latest issue of COMMUNICATION INSIGHTS. The results are supplemented by case studies from Osram, voestalpine, Telekom and Siemens—all companies based in Central Europe which are leading the newsroom debate. The publication is aimed to people working in the field and can
be downloaded free of charge.