In light of the Black Lives Matter Movement, EUPRERA seeks to express its full solidarity. As a European Association for Public Relations Education and Research and with its members coming from 40 countries, we reaffirm our position against all forms of racism and discrimination, resulting from colonial, imperialist and supremacist legacies, manifesting in intolerance, inequity, injustice or hate.

We fully support protesters worldwide calling for an end to anti-Black racism and demanding action against institutional racism and discrimination, as we are horrified by the murder of George Floyd and countless others, and alarmed by increasing acts of injustice, violence and racist acts against all individuals from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups. This dehumanisation has to come to an end.

As an association caring for research and teaching in higher education, we are committed to continue our own efforts to review and take action to ensure non-discriminatory practices in both. We are open to discussing and moving forward this topic with you and invite all of our members to further our efforts and share your ideas on how we can improve and even make things better.