Call for Chapters on Gender and Freelancing in Comms Industries
This edited book is intended for the Women, Economics and the Labour Relations series, published by Emerald (editor-in-chief: Dr Martina Topić). The book will provide a much-needed exploration of the intersection of gender and freelance work in the communication industries (public relations, advertising, marketing, corporate comms, and digital communication), with a special focus on national issues and comparative international research.
The exploration of the experiences, practices, and discourses related to communication freelancers from a gender perspective would contribute to the closing of the current research and knowledge gaps, often generated by the lack of individualisation of freelancers among communication professionals in research projects.
The editors Anca Anton (University of Bucharest, Romania) and Raluca Moise (University of the Arts London, UK) invite prospective authors to develop chapters addressing the several topics (see full call) through qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods approaches.
Interested contributors should send a 500-word structured abstract together with up to six keywords and a 100-word biography for each author by April 15, 2023.
For submission instructions and further details, please see the Call for Chapters