EUPRERA open-access contributions in English

Communication & Organisation is the only French-language academic journal entirely devoted to organisational communication and public relations.

On the occasion of its 30th anniversary, Communication & Organisation launches a new partnership with EUPRERA.

Twice a year, the journal offers its state of the art in communication research section to EUPRERA members, free of charge and in English.

The aim of this collaboration is to be an eye-opener, bridging the language gap between the French researchers’ community and the EUPRERA epistemic community, presenting each other’s research, triggering project opportunities and suggesting reading references.

The director of publication is Professor Valérie Carayol, past president of EUPRERA, the managing editor is dr. Aurélie Laborde and the head of section is dr. Anne-Marie Cotton, past president of EUPRERA. 

First article

Networks as an approach to research and professional development.
Interview with Anca Anton, Anne-Marie Cotton in:
Communication & Organisation 2022/2 (n° 62).

Coming soon

The BledCom international symposium: what contribution to the construction of the European public relations field?, Anne-Marie Cotton in: Communication & Organisation 2023/1 (n° 63).

Open access

All issues of Communication & Organisation from 1992 till 2019 are in open access on