Free webinar: the Future of Work report
Institute for PR’s free webinar
The Future of Work: Preparing for Tomorrow’s Reality Today
featuring the report’s author Melissa Dodd
∼ December 5 at 1pm EST (7pm CET) ∼
The IPR 2019 Future of Work Report investigates the future of work and the impact of several factors on the changing nature of work, including a rapidly and continuously shifting technological landscape, the growth of globalization, and the juxtaposition of new and tenured members of the workforce.
While some technological innovations have already made a significant impact on organizations, the future of work is more than just artificial intelligence (AI) and automation. The intents of this projects was to investigate the three interlinked dimensions of an organization: the work (the what), the workforce (the who), and the workplace (the where). Each offers unique challenges and opportunities for organizational (internal) communication.