COM-COVID research project: UK | Italy | Spain
A group of EUPRERA institutional members have launched a new research project about COVID 19 communication
Research teams from the Group of Advanced Studies on Communication from University Rey Juan Carlos, the Business School from Leeds-Beckett University and the Center for Strategic Communication at Università IULM are working on the COM-COVID research project. The mission of this study is to monitor the communication management of the COVID 19 crisis during the confinement time of the emergency in Italy, Spain and the UK. A survey has been launched to monitor channels of information, sources, levels of trust and information comprehension by the general public in these three countries.
In the global media systems, with multiplicity of channels and transmitters, overload of information and proliferation of fake news, an agile and efficient management of communication is indispensable to gain the cooperation of citizens to manage the crisis. Nevertheless, the existence of singular audiences that have informative relations only to certain groups and are informed only through the so-called eco cameras are increasing. Groups are able to transfer inaccurate or untrue information to other audiences, jeopardizing the development of coordinated actions.
Researching the current COVID19 crisis can contribute to understand how information about the emergency is flowing through diverse social groups and help to improve communication for future crisis.
The objective of the survey is exclusively scientific and information will be treated with complete confidentiality and anonymity. You are invited to disseminate the survey through your contacts based in the UK, Italy or Spain:
United Kindom | Italy | Spain
If you would like to know more, or just for more information you can contact:
- Dra. Ángeles Moreno (Spain), study coordinator:
- Professor Ralph Tench (UK):
- Professor Stefania Romenti (Italy):