BledCom is an annual gathering of scholars and practitioners in public relations and related disciplines to discuss contemporary communication and management problems. Organized annually since 1994, it is the oldest conference in our field that is not affiliated with a professional or academic association. So far, eight books and nine special issues or sections of peer-reviewed journals have been published based on previous symposia.

Conference Dates and Venue

The 28thInternational Public Relations Research Symposium (BledCom) will be held on July 2-3, 2021 in Rikli Balance Hotel, Lake Bled, Slovenia.

Conference Theme: Public Relations and Public Risk and Crisis Communication

Perhaps now more than ever, risk and crisis communication have been thrust into the limelight.  Individuals, organizations, and nations have all become the sources as well as recipients of information intended to alter their behavior owing to Covid-19 and its debilitating impact on everyday life globally. Some nations have been lauded for their ability to manage the spread of the virus through effective communication whereas others have been targeted for performing poorly. National performance has certainly hinged on the ability of the leaders of these nations to communicate effectively about the pandemic.


Paper abstracts and panel proposals should be submitted via email to no later than February 1, 2021. Decisions will be made by March 4, 2021 after peer review. Full papers not exceeding 6.000 words will be due by September 16, 2021. The organizing committee plans an edited book on the conference theme to be published by Routledge in 2022. A separate publication of the conference proceedings will feature the remaining papers.

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BledCom website