What to expect from the webinar

On the webinar the speakers present research on the experiences of how the Covid-19 pandemic was communicated in the Nordic countries – Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. The Nordic countries are often discussed in terms of similarities concerning an extensive welfare system, economic policies, media systems, and high levels of trust in societal actors.

However, in the wake of a global pandemic, the countries’ coping strategies varied, creating certain question marks on the existence of a “Nordic model”.

Communicating a pandemic. Crisis management and Covid-19 in the Nordic countries
Date: June 28, 2023, Wednesday
Time: 3:00 pm CEST


Mark Blach-Ørsten, Roskilde University, Denmark

Bengt Johansson, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Øyvind Ihlen, Oslo University, Norway

Jenny Lindholm, Åbo Akademi University, Finland


1 hour