ECM Benchmarking Tool: Fake News & Information Provision
Two out of three communication professionals have followed the debate about fake news, but only 12 percent of the affected organisations have established advanced routines in dealing with them. And while 90 percent of the surveyed departments and agencies deliver information to decision-makers, the provided reports differ.
How do you compare to your peers in dealing with fake news and providing information? Start the survey and find out. It is easy and fun to use, takes just a few minutes and is totally anonymous.
On the first page, we ask you for some information on your work place, position and country to make your answers comparable to the results of those of the latest European Communication Monitor study. If you want to have your name and the name of your company on a certificate with your personal score, please leave it here. None of this information will be stored.
After completing the survey, you‘ll get an explanation of your results and your personal score. A score of 50 represents the average result of communicators across Europe. A score higher than 50 means you are better in comparison, a score lower than 50 means your results are worse.
Try it now
The European Communication Monitor (ECM), together with its affiliated surveys Latin American Communication Monitor (LCM), Asia-Pacific Communication Monitor (APCM), North American Communication Monitor (NACM), is part of the Global Communication Monitor series, the largest regular global study in the field of strategic communication and public relations worldwide, with a longitudinal participation of more than 30,000 practitioners.